Install the libraries


You can install the @amber-ds/visual with your favourite package manager

$ npm install @amber-ds/visual
$ yarn add @amber-ds/visual

Then you can import the styles on the main .html file or from a .css file.

<link href="./node_modules/@amber-ds/visual/dist/index.css" rel="stylesheet">
@import "./node_modules/@amber-ds/visual/dist/index.css"
@import "~@amber-ds/visual/dist/index.css"
@import "~@amber-ds/visual/src/amber.scss"

Alternatively you can import the package from the Unpkg CDN at the following url:

You should see the page updated with the new styles, you can now follow the related documentation to learn how to use it.


You can install the @amber-ds/components with your favourite package manager

$ npm install @amber-ds/components
$ yarn add @amber-ds/components

Then you can import the styles on the main .html file or from a .js file.

<script href="./node_modules/@amber-ds/components/index.js" script></script>
import './node_modules/@amber-ds/components/index.js'
import '@amber-ds/components'

Alternatively you can import the package from the Unpkg CDN at the following url:

then in your HTML file or Javascript template you can instantiate every component you need from this library, follow the related documentation to learn how to use them.

Side note: by installing the @amber-ds/components package from NPM, the @amber-ds/visual get also installed as a dependency!

Last Updated: 4/16/2019, 9:38:54 AM